#00FF00 #FF00FF

#00FF00 #FF00FF
(people are trees)

Assembled with the technical assistance of Nathan Davis and Alex Facq.

Roland Albert, Luciano Chessa, Nathan Davis, John DiFrancesca, Greg Pinto.

#00FF00 #FF00FF (people are trees) 2018-2019

Excerpt from the installation opening + live performance on March 20, 2019 at the Steel House, Rockland, ME.
Commissioned by the Steel House. Video by Erin Tokarz.

Performers: Roland Albert, Luciano Chessa, Nathan Davis, John DiFrancesca, Greg Pinto.

Thanks to Nate Davis, Alexis Iammarino, Maeve O’Regan and Alex Facq

#00FF00 #FF00FF (people are trees) 2018-2019

Rehearsing for the installation opening + live performance on March 20, 2019 at the Steel House, Rockland, ME.
Commissioned by the Steel House.

Thanks to Nate Davis, Alexis Iammarino, Maeve O’Regan, and Alex Facq

#00FF00 #FF00FF (people are trees) 2018-2019

Rehearsing for the installation opening + live performance on March 20, 2019 at the Steel House, Rockland, ME.
Commissioned by the Steel House.

Thanks to Nate Davis, Alexis Iammarino, Maeve O’Regan, Alex Facq, and Corentin Reut